Day 1 on the set of 2019’s Jump Back
Students write, produce, and star in their own ten-minute film. Develop characters, flesh out the story, cast the roles, and shoot a movie—all in one week! Students get a crash course in cinematography and production techniques for digital cinema, then promptly apply those skills in making their movie. All participants spend time in front of and behind the camera, and focus on the aspects of filmmaking they enjoy the most.
Do you have a group of young people who are eager to shoot a movie? Are you a homeschooler who would like to give a group of kids quality instruction in a great filmmaking experience? Give us a call. We can do a weekend- or week-long camp they will remember for the rest of their lives.
Learning cinematography basics in 2022.
Mario Concepcion Jackson: CINEMATOGRAPHY INSTRUCTOR. Mario is an award cinematographer doing music video, commercial, and narrative work. Mario got his start as a set electric on commercials and eventually became a rigging and set electric on feature films and television shows. As a set electric, he gained valuable knowledge on lighting and how its proper use could affect an audience's emotions. He later began operating camera on commercials, and short documentaries, and eventually gained the momentum he enjoys today.
Angela Andrews: SCREENWRITING INSTRUCTOR. Angela received her MFA in Script & Screenwriting from Regent University. Her first screenplay at Regent, Life’s Other Side, premiered on an American cable network and won several awards—including the Sabaoth International Film Festival in Milan, Italy, Europe’s only Christian film festival at the time. Undergraduate studies included a year in Oxford studying Hebrew, Yiddish, and Jewish history/culture. Another interest is building a nonprofit to plant libraries in under-resourced communities, which she did in Port-au-Prince, Haiti in 2017. Angela currently teaches Screen- writing as an adjunct professor at her alma mater, Regent University.
Watch the 2023 Spring Break Film Camp Movie…
Watch the 2022 Spring Break Film Camp movie…
Watch the 2019 Spring Break Film Camp movie…