What We Do
It all started a few years back with a 2-week, half-day summer theatre camp.
We now proudly offer the following:
Rich Theatre’s first Summer Camp: Shrek the Musical JR, June 2018
Summer Theatre Camp (Ages 13-18)
Rich Theatre KIDS! (Ages 7-12)
Rich STUDIO (Ages 13-18)
We do things differently. Our aim is to create an environment that serves as the plumb line against which all other theatrical experiences are measured—by our students, and also their families. We serve God by serving you with our gifts, talents, and training.
Several years ago we noticed a trend—much of the wonderful young theatre training in Virginia Beach had gone away. There was a need for high-quality theatrical education in our neighborhood.
Lynn & Jason Richards, founders of Rich Theatre.
Quality Instruction
Safe, Fun, Age-Appropriate Environments
Rich STUDIO Cohort A - stage combat
College Level Instruction for all ages. Much of what we offer is not widely available outside a university setting.
Professional Instructors. Our programs are staffed by industry professionals—skilled, educated, with experience in their field of expertise. It costs more, but the difference is worth it.
Real Training. Our theatre campers do more than just learn their parts—they receive generalized singing, dancing, and acting instruction in addition to their rehearsal. Rich STUDIO cohorts study and practice Meisner-based acting technique and Linklater vocal technique as well as movement, performance philosophy, and an entire litany of related coursework.
Safe, Fun Environments. We are committed to material and instruction that is age-appropriate and morally/ethically uplifting in an atmosphere that is encouraging and non-competitive.
Rich STUDIO - Meisner training
Come join us for a Rich Theatre Experience. We look forward to serving your family soon!
Rich STUDIO’s Fall 2023 Lab Production: Little Women