Introducing our New and Improved
Actor Training Program:
It’s not just a production… It’s theatre education, in an environment that values personal worth as much as production values.
In a Rich Theatre production, actors don’t just learn the show…they learn technique that lasts a lifetime.
Rich STUDIO’s Lab Productions are for students who…
Are 13 - 18 years old
Want to explore acting at deeper levels
Long for a caring, nurturing theatre environment
Have any level of experience, and are hungry to learn
Are thinking of studying theatre in college
What Our Families Say
“Rich STUDIO is an answered prayer for our daughter and our continued homeschooling journey. After the first 10 weeks, our daughter commented, “The training at Rich STUDIO has surpassed any acting class I have taken. Rich STUDIO instructors teach advanced acting technique that reaches beyond the surface level.”
— Adrianne West, Rich STUDIO Parent
“Honestely, I can’t stop thinking about last night’s STUDIO Showcase. We talk about world peace as the answer, but I think the answer is more live theatre!
—Kristen Macedo, Rich STUDIO Parent
Fall 2023 Rich STUDIO Lab Production: Little Women
Rich STUDIO Cohort A - Meisner Training
We are passionate about Theatre and Education. Our one-of-a-kind approach to educational theatre equips students with more than performance experience. Rich STUDIO students receive MFA-level instruction in acting methodology and technique. They work alongside industry professionals to uncover their natural talents and build the skills needed to utilize their talents in the arts.
The Process
Each Lab Production begins with an Educational Intensive that includes one or more select Theatre Education Touchstone Topics™.
Touchstone Topic™
Serving as the spine of our theatrical process, participants spend the first few weeks of each Intensive in class instruction (theatre education), during which they learn techniques and concepts that serve as keystone markers to their artistic journey.
Production (Applied Education)
After the instruction period, all participants will audition for and be cast in the production.
Actors can expect:
Guidance in concept application
Actor coaching
Assigned, required ACTOR’S HOMEWORK to aid in their artistic development.
Material for each Lab Production is selected based on the Touchstone Topics™ being taught. We often write original curriculum to address the major challenges of each production and guide the training for each topic.
Each Lab Production is a class first, with the production serving as a workshop for immediate application of newly acquired skills.
For example…
Lab Production: Mary Poppins
Touchstone Topic™: RP Accent Training
Rich STUDIO students get more than just stage experience. They learn self-efficacy and a host of marketable skills for wherever life takes them—all from trained theatre professionals.
The Environment
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity.”—Brené Brown
Training takes place in a safe, fun environment, curated to be nurturing, uplifting, and inclusive —allowing students the freedom to be truly creative.
Rich STUDIO Cohort C - Script Analysis
Our one-of-a-kind system is designed specifically for ages 13-18. Through Rich STUDIO Lab Productions, students grow as artists while developing valuable transferable skills that serve them in every future endeavor:
Critical Thinking
Social Confidence
Empathetic Reasoning
Time Management
Emotional Intelligence
Non Verbal Communication
And More!
The Final Product
Rich STUDIO Lab Productions are Fully Produced.
Fully Produced: completely furnished with costumes, set, props, technical elements, etc.
Rich STUDIO’s Fall 2023 Lab Production of Little Women featured a 2-story set and period costumes. Students performed for paid audiences in a 900+ seat theater.
Young performers need experiential knowledge of the full mechanics of theatre for complete artistic development. Fully produced shows create a beautiful final product of which students can be proud. Rich STUDIO alumni are equipped with first-hand knowledge of the collaboration, teamwork, as well as individual artistic ownership that takes place in theatrical productions. They understand their part in the show, aware that it takes more than just actors to put a story on stage.
And the final product is more than a beautiful show. It is the training and knowledge our students take with them that lasts for the rest of their lives. Whether they do musicals, straight plays, screen acting, drama classes, speech and debate competition, college interviews, leadership roles, or anything—Rich STUDIO alumni gain the poise and confidence that can only be gleaned from theatrical training.
our Rich STUDIO Lab Productions follow a 3-season calendar year:
Fall. September - November
Winter. January - March
Spring. April - June
2023-24 Calendar Year:
Little Women: (Main Stage) September 9 - November 10, 2023
The Wizard of Oz: (Black Box) January 6 - March 23, 2024
PAUSED FOR 2024 - Spring Lab Production [TBD]: (Black Box) April 15 - June 19, 2024
Fall (‘24-25) Lab Production [TBD]: (Black Box) Sept 10 - Nov 16, 2024
In a Nutshell…
Rich STUDIO is professional actor training for young people.
Rich STUDIO Cohort A/B - Stage Combat
Originally offered as a rigorous 2-year conservatory program, Rich STUDIO is evolving. Its current state: an ongoing series of performance-based workshops including Educational Intensives (…from its conservatory roots), each focusing on stylistic components and 2-3 Touchstone Topics™.
Each Rich STUDIO Lab Production culminates with a fully produced run of theatrical performances.
Rich STUDIO actors do multiple performances. Their shows run for at least a week—giving them the opportunity to perform 3 or 4 times, at least. Some Lab Productions offer 7, 8, or more shows over a multi-week run.
Fall 2023 Rich STUDIO Lab Production: Little Women
Rich STUDIO actors do multiple performances for a whole show run (as they would in professional theatre), in an environment that values personal worth as much as production values. Most importantly, they are instructed by qualified professionals, allowing them to grow their capabilities and excel in their performances.
We at Rich Theatre believe that people are made in God’s image, and that we are designed to tell stories together, through theatre or other media. Rich STUDIO provides the setting for a young actor to actively develop their technique in this fun, safe environment.
Lab Production Schedule
For January 6 - March 23, 2024:
Mondays & Thursdays: 6:00PM - 9:00PM (starting Jan 8)
Saturdays: 4:00PM - 7:00PM (starting Jan 6)
March 2 & 9: 11:00am - 6:00pm
Tech/Dress/Show Week: a detailed production calendar will be provided to those enrolled.
Students are expected to attend all class sessions of each Intensive unless prior approval has been given. Generally, we still hold class even if it falls on a minor holiday.
Sessions held at Spring Branch Community Church
For students ages 13 - 18
2023-2024 Rich Theatre Calendar Year:
*Rich STUDIO is separate programming from our Spring Break and Summer camps…
STUDIO On the Main Stage - Little Women: September 9 - November 17, 2023
STUDIO Black Box - Wizard of Oz: Jan 6 - March 23, 2024
PAUSED FOR 2024 - STUDIO Black Box - TBD: April 15 - June 19, 2024
PAUSED FOR 2024 - Spring Break Film Camp*: April 1 - 5, Screening on Tuesday 9, 2024
Summer Camp Auditions*: July 1 & 2 (6:00pm - 9:00pm) each day, 2024
4 Week Summer Camp*: July 8 - Aug 2, 2024
STUDIO Black Box TBD: Sept 10 - Nov 16, 2024