Spring Break Film Camp!
Beauty & The Beast JR has a spot for YOU! Join us this July 5-28 for 4 weeks of musical theatre fun! We're already designing sets and costumes and can't wait for you to meet this year's Production Team! Sign up TODAY! @richtheatrevb #theatre #summercamp #education #fun #beautyandthebeastjr #beourguest
To all who help raise children, we celebrate you today! Thank you for pouring your love, devotion, wisdom and encouragement into the next generation!
We're gearing up for our next two amazing projects! Come check us out and help spread the good word!
Rich Theatre #summercamp #beautyandthebeastjr #4weeksoftheatre #sing #dance #act #4performances #ages13to18 #richtheatrekids #fairtytalecourtroom #bigbadwolf #wickedwitch #audienceisthejury #10weekworkshop #ages7to12 #comeplaywithus
We had such a great time celebrating the cast & crew of our 10 Min Spring Break Film: Overtaken! Thanks to all who helped make the magic happen and to all who helped celebrate! @richtheatrevb #thatsawrap #moviemagic #studentsrock #scififilm
Join us tonight in the Cafe (by the main entrance) at Spring Branch Church for our 10 Min Spring Break Film Camp Screening! 6-7:30pm. We’ll have a combination Wrap Party/Screening and celebrate the hard work of our cast & crew! @richtheatrevb

No film campers were harmed in the making of this video.
2023 SPRING BREAK FILM CAMP -- That's a wrap! See you at the movie screening next Friday... #filmcamp23 #thatsawrap #richtheatre #springbreak
This is the moment when we wonder if it's all going to work out... will the aliens win or will the children of the space explorers be freed from their trepidatious circumstances?
Maybe you'll have to come to our Film Screening on Friday, April 21 at @springbranchcc to find out. In the meantime, we appreciate your prayers. Headed into Day 2 of filming!
Rich Theatre
#quietontheset #makeamovie #camerarolling #springbreak2023 #makinmovies #filmcamp #virginiabeach
We've been having a great time so far at Spring Break Film Camp 2023! Days 1 & 2 included workshops on Cinematography, Story, Screen Acting, and Location Sound. We've also done table reads of our original script, then cast it...and we'll begin shooting it tomorrow. Phew!
Rich Theatre
#filmcamp #makinmovies #virginiabeach #offthecouch #springbreakfun #makeamovie #springbreak2023 #camerarolling #quietontheset
SPRING BREAK FILM CAMP, you're only a day away! #filmcamp #virginiabeach #offthecouch #makinmovies
Happy Easter!
Spring Break Film Camp, Day 3: START PRODUCTION!
It's Wednesday, 8:00am in Virginia Beach, and you're on Day One of a 3-Day sci-fi movie shoot!! In which you are cast AND crew! DID YOU EVER THINK YOU'D BE DOING THIS??? No time to worry about that now, you have 18 setups...better get started!
Come join the fun. Enroll now: Rich Theatre
#daythree #springbreak #springbreak2023 #springbreakfun #makeamovie #filmcamp #ownership
Film Camp, Day 2: Pre-production. You're on the crew AND in the cast, so you'll need to put on your thinking cap and put yourself in the story! We're making a sci-fi movie, so be prepared to get creative and blow some minds!
Enroll now: Rich Theatre
#daytwo #springbreak #springbreakfun #makeamovie #filmcamp #springbreak2023 #ownership #scifiart #writersroom
Bring what you already know (or don't know) and shoot a scene out the gate on Day 1!
Watch, learn, and build upon your skills as you experience our workshops, led by industry professionals, in Cinematography, Story, and Screen Acting.
Enroll now: Rich Theatre
#dayone #springbreak2023 #springbreak #greenscreen #filmcamp #quietontheset #camerarolling #springbreakfun #makeamovie #scifimovies #thatsawrap
Sign up now to join us at Spring Branch Community Church April 10-14 for a crash course in making a 10-min film.
Special Screening for Family & Friends on April 21!
Enroll at: Rich Theatre
#quietontheset #springbreakfun #thatsawrap #springbreak #springbreak2023 #greenscreen #camerarolling #filmcamp #makeamovie #scifiart #scifimovies
Calling all 10-18 year-olds! ...We're making a Sc-Fi Movie!
Come join in the fun as we learn acting for the screen, how the camera works, how to light the set, and more!
sion to add details to characters in the script! Then the camera gets rolling and YOU help the magic happen.
On or behind the camera, there's a place for you at Rich Theatre's Spring Break Film Camp.
We can't wait to start creating with you! Enroll now at Rich Theatre!
#springbreak #springbreak2023 #springbreakfun #filmcamp #makeamovie #greenscreen #quietontheset #camerarolling #thatsawrap
We have 2 slots open for SPRING BREAK FILM CAMP this Apr 10-14! Visit richtheatre.org for details.
As we gear up for Spring Break Film Camp and another great summer camp, it's nice to feel appreciated. Special Thanks to Kevin Pelphrey and Bayfront Living Magazine for this wonderful article!
We’ve been so honored to cheer some of our students on in their recent productions. So many congrats to these crazy talented kids! If you are one of our students and you have a production coming up, let us know! We’d love to come support you as well! @richtheatrevb
Film Camp Standard Pricing is Extended; 10 Days Left for Early Registration Pricing on Summer Camp! - @richtheatreVB